September – New Beginnings!




“New Beginnings.” We definitely needed it!For those of you that know me and my clan, you  will know that this past year has been full of many ups and downs.To spare the people that have already heard these stories, “a million times,” all i will say is that they have been some of the most difficult and challenging times I have ever experienced as a parent.Realizing, that they are in fact my experiences and in no way am I suggesting that they are worse than anybody else’s.Just to be clear. I was happy that my 14 year was heading back to school. I mean I was  super duper excited, much like a child is when they find out they are going for ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.I’m certain that I wasn’t the only parent that practically jumped for joy knowing that I wouldn’t have to listen to the endless diatribe of “I’m Bored,” “Can I have some money?” or “I don’t want to clean up my room!” anymore…or at least for awhile. I am happy though, as my son is someone that needs structure although he doesn’t like it or enjoy it wholeheartedly.And honestly, I needed a break (gasp).

After a long summer filled with a lot of fun, a lot of work and a little grief we were anxious to sink into our school year routines.September is already a busy month but throw in my hubby’s birthday, Noah’s birthday, a part time job, my niece’s birthday and an upcoming holiday, it became evident that life was going to get a little hectic.Along the way we have made some new mommy friends (super excited about this!) reconnected with some older friends and made peace with just doing your best and letting go of what you can’t control.It feels good too!

Here are some photos of some of our recent experiences:







Happy Friday!
